Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Thou Shalt Not Lie"...except?

So after watching the most nerve-racking Grey's Anatomy ever I am left emotional drained and wondering...Is it ever o.k. to lie and if so, when? For those of you who haven't watched the season finale this may be a bit of a **spoiler**.

With a crazed gun man running through the hospital, Dr. Shepard decides to put the hospital on lock-down, confining everyone in the hospital to the floors that they're on. Of course, the gun man isn't stopped by this and is running through the hospital shooting people left and right. He makes it to the floor that Miranda and Percy are on and despite the fact that they have hidden, he pulls them out of their hiding spots and asks them a simple question; "Are you a surgeon?" Percy, whom he asked first, replied honestly and then was shot. When he asked Miranda she lied and said that she was a nurse. The gunman then apologized for the bloody mess and then walked away. Percy died by the end of the show while Miranda cradled his head telling him that he was brave and calling herself a coward for lying.

In my opinion, this white lie isn't bad. Now don't get it twisted, I don't condone lying! But in a situation similar to this, one can't help but wonder about that commandment..."thou shalt not lie." When God sent Moses down with those tablets did he have exceptions to the rule? Does he make allowances for moments like these?? I wonder? I grew up with the notion that if you sinned you didn't make it to Heaven. So, if she lied and then he shot her point blank in the head after, would God turn her away??? This is something I'm trying to wrap my head around but I'm too exhausted to think. This blog could be soo much longer but I'll stop here. Tell me your thoughts...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Welcome to Gleekdom!

So I hopped on the Glee boat late last season by only catching the last three episodes but now...I AM AN OFFICIAL GLEEK! I don't miss an episode - for anything! Be it the fact that I am a musical theater junkie, Glee feeds my underlying obsession for flash mobs, melodrama, and well composed singing that tingles the senses without going overboard. I will say though, in the beginning of this season I was a little disappointed because the show was so centered around relationships. But it's slowly migrating back to a more stable plot and great musical numbers.

It started with "The Power of Madonna" and has continued climbing upward even through yesterday's episode - which was pure awesomeness. So what made it great, you ask? Their rendition of "Dream On" by Aerosmith. I'm not a hardcore Aerosmith fan by any means but I do love the song. After watching the show I went back and listened to the original and decided that the "Glee" version actually gives the original a run for its money. But I'll let you decide for enjoy!!

The Glee Version!
The Original!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Procrastination = Nonproductive

So the little, or maybe I should say HUGE, bug of nonproductivity bit me today. After a restless night of sleep, plagued with tossing and turning, I woke up at 11:45am. Totally NOT what I had planned. I wanted to be up by 9am at the latest. THEN I laid in bed on facebook, twitter and various other sites until 2pm dozing in and out of sleep. DISGUSTING!. I finally hopped out of bed with my motivation being that I had a late lunch date and I was going bowling with another group of friends after.
WHERE ARE MY PRIORITIES?!? I should've gotten up on time but I guess I couldn't help that with the restless sleep. But TWO hours surfing the web?? At that point all fun should have been canceled and my much needed studying should have ensued. But the reality of the situation is...I really needed the human contact today. I'm a social person who thrives off of contact with other people. You leave me alone for too long and I recede into my shell never to come out...well I will with some serious coaxing.
The last couple of days have been rainy, cloudy and cool. Which is not good for my "sunny" outlook on life. Now couple that with retaking a biology course that I miserably failed and you have a lack of emotional stability. Oh well...I guess I'll have another late night. But instead of tossing and turning, I'll be studying....*sigh*

Monday, May 17, 2010

And So It Begins...

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time. Mostly because I am a writer and, although the archaic pen and pad has its freeing and inspiring moments, it sometimes hinders my motivation to write. And writing for me is actually needed! I need to get most of my thoughts, and feelings out in an organized (or sometimes no so organized) manner so that I can function from day to day. There's a WHOLE LOT going on in my head. And I don't always have the novelty of calling a friend so I can air out my thoughts. So this blog will be my platform to do so. There will be an array of things on here. Posts about fashion, school (University of Pittsburgh!!!), church (Apostolic born and breed), life, silly postulates, food (yum!), and much more. There's no classification for what I'll be writing about except for "life in its totality." So hope you enjoy this blogging journey that I'll be treading. And your feedback is very appreciated ;)

Until next time...
