Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let The Thunder (Thighs) Roll!

Well, like most girls my thighs are an issue. Other than the fact that they are the size of a Goodyear blimp, I have plenty of issues with them. Since my thighs are so big, they tend to rub together (ouch!) causing a small brush fire and the subsequent rushing of a fire squad to put it out. Ha! Ok, so I lied there’s no brush fire but MY GOD!, sometimes I wonder if my thighs are attempting to start one. In the morning before I leave I have to LATHER my thighs with lotion and Vaseline. They have to be more than hydrated so I don’t have to deal with chaffing later on in the day. It’s rough on a big girl sometimes…*sigh*

Anyway, another embarrassing part of my thick thighs is that when I wear spanx (actually, I wear a girdle. I’m old fashioned. *blushes*) the fabric makes a swishing sound when I walk. Since I only wear skirts it ALWAYS happens. It’s so embarrassing. I cringe in fear that the people around me can hear that “swish, swish, swish” when I walk. I think it happened once with one of my friends and I laughed it off on the outside but was devastated on the inside.

The last thing about my thunder (BOOM! CRASH! POW!) thighs that I will talk about is how they roll when I walk! *shudders* Lord knows I can’t stand it! If I’m walking really hard or fast they roll REALLY hard actually causing severe pain or whelps on my thighs. I always know when I’ve done too much when my thighs start burning. That just means that later my thighs will be whelped and super sensitive. O_o I also can’t stand when I can’t cross or close my legs because my thighs. Closing my legs is a pure exercise! I have to contract my thigh muscles and keep them clinched. And crossing my legs is a joke. One thigh will not lie on top of the other, causing my legs to slip! (I actually laughed out loud as I typed that. Yes, I can find humor in my situation =D) I usually just give up and cross my legs at my ankles. It’s been a struggle with the thickness of my thighs and my thighs have always been thick, even when I was smaller. But the bigger I become the more of a problem they are.

…So, I guess it’s good I’m losing weight, eh?... =D

Chocolate Thunder ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Your Only Inadequacy Is Your Thoughts Of Inadequacy."

“You’re only as inadequate as you feel,” I whispered to myself while riding the shuttle to church this morning. After a bit of a rocky start, I felt myself heading to the down swing while getting ready for church. I knew it was coming since I cringed at a picture someone took of me yesterday. I sincerely tried not to think of myself as hideous but that was a fail. :-/ Oh well, dust yourself off and try again.

So all day I’ve been combating the random thoughts while ducking mirrors, unless necessary, and even then I sigh sadly on the inside and move on. But the thought that popped in my head this morning while riding the shuttle to church remained persistent. “Your only inadequacy is the fact that you think you’re inadequate.” A small jolt went through my brain every time I reminisce on that thought.

According to dictionary.com, inadequate means lacking the quality or quantity required. The only place where I think my inadequacy lies is in my looks. Not my brains or brawn. =D But sometimes I feel like my brains or brawn is not appreciated because of my lack of good looks to compliment them - as though I have depreciated in value because the packaging isn’t aesthetically appeasing to the eye.

But for somebody, somewhere my intelligence, common sense, personality and beauty (yes, beauty!) is MORE than adequate. And that person won’t come until I can see just how much of a transcendental beauty I really am…but until then I’ll keep repeating it until it sinks and I actually believe it…"Your ONLY inadequacy is YOUR thoughts of inadequacy. Your ONLY inadequacy is…”

I’m taking this thing by the horns.


Friday, September 3, 2010

My What Lovelly Lashes You Have!

So keeping up with my POA here's another thing I love about me!! My lashes. I have wonderful ones :) I never really payed any attention to them because I figured everyone has lashes like mine. Apparently I was wrong! I've been told by a number of people they would kill for my lashes. They're long and full. I barely need any mascara and when I do put a lot on it's DRAMATIC :D
Most girls use the lash extensions (which some of them look like bats!)

Others have to use curlers which I've never needed. So yay me! One more beautiful thing to point to my already beautiful self!!