Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let The Thunder (Thighs) Roll!

Well, like most girls my thighs are an issue. Other than the fact that they are the size of a Goodyear blimp, I have plenty of issues with them. Since my thighs are so big, they tend to rub together (ouch!) causing a small brush fire and the subsequent rushing of a fire squad to put it out. Ha! Ok, so I lied there’s no brush fire but MY GOD!, sometimes I wonder if my thighs are attempting to start one. In the morning before I leave I have to LATHER my thighs with lotion and Vaseline. They have to be more than hydrated so I don’t have to deal with chaffing later on in the day. It’s rough on a big girl sometimes…*sigh*

Anyway, another embarrassing part of my thick thighs is that when I wear spanx (actually, I wear a girdle. I’m old fashioned. *blushes*) the fabric makes a swishing sound when I walk. Since I only wear skirts it ALWAYS happens. It’s so embarrassing. I cringe in fear that the people around me can hear that “swish, swish, swish” when I walk. I think it happened once with one of my friends and I laughed it off on the outside but was devastated on the inside.

The last thing about my thunder (BOOM! CRASH! POW!) thighs that I will talk about is how they roll when I walk! *shudders* Lord knows I can’t stand it! If I’m walking really hard or fast they roll REALLY hard actually causing severe pain or whelps on my thighs. I always know when I’ve done too much when my thighs start burning. That just means that later my thighs will be whelped and super sensitive. O_o I also can’t stand when I can’t cross or close my legs because my thighs. Closing my legs is a pure exercise! I have to contract my thigh muscles and keep them clinched. And crossing my legs is a joke. One thigh will not lie on top of the other, causing my legs to slip! (I actually laughed out loud as I typed that. Yes, I can find humor in my situation =D) I usually just give up and cross my legs at my ankles. It’s been a struggle with the thickness of my thighs and my thighs have always been thick, even when I was smaller. But the bigger I become the more of a problem they are.

…So, I guess it’s good I’m losing weight, eh?... =D

Chocolate Thunder ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Your Only Inadequacy Is Your Thoughts Of Inadequacy."

“You’re only as inadequate as you feel,” I whispered to myself while riding the shuttle to church this morning. After a bit of a rocky start, I felt myself heading to the down swing while getting ready for church. I knew it was coming since I cringed at a picture someone took of me yesterday. I sincerely tried not to think of myself as hideous but that was a fail. :-/ Oh well, dust yourself off and try again.

So all day I’ve been combating the random thoughts while ducking mirrors, unless necessary, and even then I sigh sadly on the inside and move on. But the thought that popped in my head this morning while riding the shuttle to church remained persistent. “Your only inadequacy is the fact that you think you’re inadequate.” A small jolt went through my brain every time I reminisce on that thought.

According to dictionary.com, inadequate means lacking the quality or quantity required. The only place where I think my inadequacy lies is in my looks. Not my brains or brawn. =D But sometimes I feel like my brains or brawn is not appreciated because of my lack of good looks to compliment them - as though I have depreciated in value because the packaging isn’t aesthetically appeasing to the eye.

But for somebody, somewhere my intelligence, common sense, personality and beauty (yes, beauty!) is MORE than adequate. And that person won’t come until I can see just how much of a transcendental beauty I really am…but until then I’ll keep repeating it until it sinks and I actually believe it…"Your ONLY inadequacy is YOUR thoughts of inadequacy. Your ONLY inadequacy is…”

I’m taking this thing by the horns.


Friday, September 3, 2010

My What Lovelly Lashes You Have!

So keeping up with my POA here's another thing I love about me!! My lashes. I have wonderful ones :) I never really payed any attention to them because I figured everyone has lashes like mine. Apparently I was wrong! I've been told by a number of people they would kill for my lashes. They're long and full. I barely need any mascara and when I do put a lot on it's DRAMATIC :D
Most girls use the lash extensions (which some of them look like bats!)

Others have to use curlers which I've never needed. So yay me! One more beautiful thing to point to my already beautiful self!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

P.O.A Update

I am now officially 210lbs!!! That's a big deal for me. I haven't weighed this since my sophomore year. Although my 210lbs then was a lot more TONED!!!!. But I'm not complaining. I actually weight a little less but I round up to keep me motivated :)

In terms of my workout schedule...it's not existent but according to my doctor I have to change it. I need to work out EVERYDAY for AT LEAST and hour. And 3 to 4 times a week it needs to be hardcore. That was my doctor's response when she looked at my chart and saw I lost about 20lbs since the last item I saw her, which was a year ago. No "good job!" or "go you!" So I will work harder....but I'm starting next week. This week is too hectic...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Feel Pretty...Oh So Pretty...

I feel pretty and witty and gay!
And I pity any girl who isn't me today!

So for the past 24hrs or so plenty of people have been coming up to me proclaiming my beauty with such conviction that at first I was a little taken aback, then confused, the flustered,and then flattered. Curious as to what they were seeing I looked in the mirror when I got home and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Still same old me, only it was the tired slightly pained version from a long day and a fractal amount of sleep the night before. Neither acknowledging or dismissing the proclamations from earlier I prepped for the next day and passed out.

After a good night's rest and time to peacefully get ready for today I got dressed, ate breakfast and applied my make up. I had considered putting on a full face of makeup when I came to the conclusion that I might look like the Bride of Chucky for my event around 8pm tonight. So I ended up only applying mascara, blush and lip gloss. With that I picked up my bag and looked in the mirror and to my amazement I saw what everyone was seeing before. After taking a couple of seconds to admire God's beauty I ran out the door to face the day. I've already had one compliment but this time I simply said thank you. I know I have pretty days but I need to understand that my beauty transcends the days that I think I'm pretty. It's everyday. But for right now...

I feel charming, oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

...To 50 More...

Decade 1 (1-10) A Rocky Start

On July 31, 1960, in Dade County of Miami, Fl, the most influential woman of my life was born. That woman is none other than, Mrs. S.R. Rouse, my mother. Being born in a swamp to a mother who is homeless is not the most glamorous way to enter the world. But she did, despite my grandmother’s repeated attempts to abort her.
A couple of months later, in 1961, my mother and grandmother caught a greyhound bus to Rochester, NY to live with my grandfather. It was during this time that my mother’s eclectic taste in music began. At home she listened to the classical greats which were occasionally intermittent with the sounds of smooth jazz and at her babysitters she got down to the Motown greats.
That is until 4 years later, when the most devastating moment occurred in her life. Early one morning, while my grandfather was at work, she watched my grandmother, who had rented a U-Haul truck, move everything thing out except the dust bunnies. Gone were her happy days and off to D.C. they went. She became mute for a year.
2 years later, after finally opening back up to society, she watched my grandmother throw a man out of a glass window and into the middle of the street after he had attacked my mother. It was at that moment that my mother realized that the monster the Japanese people were running from was really my grandmother. That is until a couple of months later when my grandmother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. At death’s door and rail thin, my grandmother was given only a 50% chance of survival. My mother began to live with the constant and crippling fear that she would lose her mother. That is until…

Decade 2 (11-20) Moving Forward

5 years later, at age 11, my mother breathed a sigh of relief when my grandmother’s cancer was in remission. After such a rocky start to life, my mother became quite thick-skinned. Little bothered her anymore. Weighing a mere 68lbs in middle school, my mother stood up to the white people who tried to attack her when they began busing blacks to white schools. In high school, now at a hearty 89lbs, she stood beside my grandmother, who suffered heart attack and knew that no matter what happened in that moment it wasn’t the end of the world. After graduating in 1978 and because of her lack of academic prowess, she joined the post office where she met my dad. Which began…

Decade 3 (21-30) Until Death Do Us Part...or your death can be arranged…

This is was the answer my mother gave my father when first asked if she would marry him. In her mind his proposal was a pure joke. Why would he, tall, suave, and built, want her, skinny! But at the age of 23 she was married which began a new murky chapter in her life. Despite my father’s constant infidelities she stayed with him and two years later my brother was born. But it wasn’t long after that she received another blow. While pregnant with her second her child, she watched her once active son withdraw from society and a couple of months later left the doctor’s office in tears when they told her he had autism. The news caused such stress that my mother began to show signs of a miscarriage but somehow was still pregnant. It was a couple of months later that she gave birth to her funny valentine, me. But that joyous occasion was overshadowed by the still birth of my twin. Determined not to dwell in the past she pressed forward into…

Decade 4 (31-40) I bought you into this world and I WILL take you out!

These were the words my brother and I often heard while growing up. When repeatedly asking for permission to for something previously denied she would look sternly in our faces and say, “Now, what part of no don’t you understand.” At that point we knew it was time to retreat and send the troops home. Our mother ruled with an iron fist because she wanted her kids to be more than what their environment offered. We lived in the south side of D.C. and the success rate for kids even making it out of high school alive was slim to none. She pulled my brother out of Public School and began to teach him at home because of the rampant inequality he faced as a special needs student. All the while she continued to push me academically so I could get into a better school. Her efforts were not in vain. But our appreciation for her was absent. Until…

Decade 5 (41-50) It was the best of times…it was the worst of times…

The most horrifying moment of my life occurred at age 16 as I held my mother while she had stroke. While unable to move or voice the pain she was feeling, all of what she had done for me and been to me came rushing back. It was in that moment that I realized that this woman is to me what words can’t express. Her constant love and support helped me to believe I was able to do anything. Her endless pushing and prodding created a fiery determination in me. The incredibly high standard that she set for me taught me that my opportunities were limitless. All these things, including her words of wisdom, did not make me into the woman that she is. It made me better, which was her goal all along. Today we honor this woman for the 5 decades that she has lived and today we pray that she sees 5 decades more.

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Little Housekeeping

First I would like to properly acknowledge my followers!
To my first follower MI MOLOCITO!! BFF! Thanks for the support.
To my second follower Ash Bash Catastrophe! Thanks for checking the blog :) I less than 3 you!
To Dy & Viv: Thanks for the follow and keeping up with the blog schedule.
And to my newest follower: JOE! I hope you find this interesting.

I encourage ALL of you to COMMENT. I would really appreciate to hear your feedback.

On to the housekeeping:

So I need to make a change to my P.O.A. Instead of me blogging about one self perceived flaw, a saying and one thing I like about myself I will, instead, do one a WEEK. If I tried to do one a day my blogs would be super long. So for your sake (and my fingers) I will commit to one a week. Oh, and here is an update of the physical part of my P.O.A

Exercise Update: #epicfail ...it's nonexistent...

I'll start one day soon...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"It's not a race, it's a Journey."

So today I became watery eyed as my college adviser went through my credits and told me I would graduate in May. After my freshman year (which was an #epicfail) the thought of graduating on time, let alone graduating seemed intangible. All of my family has gone to college but none have a degree. NONE. I entered college with a slight God complex believing that anything I put my hands to would turn to gold. I was great (in my mind) and nothing could hinder that.

That is until real life hit. College has been THE most humbling experience in my life. And surprisingly I still have a level of pride or arrogance that gets in my way. Life to me was a race. All I thought about was how I could secure that ridiculously well paying job or how could I hustle and make the most money. Or how could I be the top student? The one everyone envied. All I wanted was the absolute best. Not to say that’s a bad thing but I had the arrogance/pride to match. I was the ish and I planned to stay that way.

I still don't know why I needed to learn this lesson, as I watch the same people who were with me steamroll ahead. I take that back. I'm a better person for it. Less self indulged, I guess.

Anyway, my mother said this to me this morning as I tried to hold back tears telling her the good news about my impending graduation. And I thought to myself that this quote could be applied to this blogging journey. A race can be defined as a contest of speed or any contest or competition, whereas a journey is defined as passage or progress from one stage to another. I believe there are stages of happiness. Each time I blog or meet a milestone or jump a hurdle I've reached a new stage of liking and taking care of myself. I'm not trying to get a quick fix to happiness or compete against others in the arena of health. I just want to walk along enjoying each newly acquired stage. Happy that I'm not where I was before.

So if I could offer any advice. Figure out where in your life you might be doing things for other people's approval or moving on someone else's time line. And remind yourself that to truly embrace where you’re going and what you’re doing you have to acknowledge the journey. Nothing has an easy button.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Smile, Young Girl Smile!!! (Day 1: POA cont)

Well technically this would be day 3...I couldn't blog yesterday because I no longer have internet service. The service that I was bumming for the past year is now gone. I guess the person moved out. So now I have to come to campus to blog. Bluuuuur....

Anywho! On to the next part of Day 1's blogging adventure, as I said yesterday I would dedicate the next blog to something that I found beautiful about myself. So hello pearly whites!!! Yes folks, I have a beautiful smile. This is something that I've heard pretty much all my life and have learned to take a level of comfort in. I'm not sure if it's my white teeth or the way my face lights up when I smile but something about it moves people to comment on it.

Now I haven't been number one in oral care but I try to keep my teeth relatively white. Which part of me thinks it's not hard because I'm so dark. (Ignorant to say, I know) But I feel as though if I put on a white suit or dress my teeth may not come up to par. But MOST people have that problem. If not, people wouldn't be out buying whitening strips! So the whiteness of my teeth isn't really a thorn in my side. I'm just glad that they're of a presentable color :)

My teeth also lie a little bit. People always comment on how straight my teeth look when in all actuality they aren't. I love this about my teeth!! My bottom set of teeth is actually compacted; one tooth sits forward from the rest. But unless I open my mouth and hold my head down you would never really notice. At least I don't think. But even if you did I wouldn't care because when the camera flash goes off they look white and straight.

So who can I pay homage to, genetically, for my teeth? My DADDY! We both have relatively straight teeth and I didn't really need braces. I only got them because my mom was scared that the one compacted tooth would turn. And to be honest that still may be a possibility but we'll cross that bridge IF we get there. Sadly I wouldn't have to worry about that now if I hadn't throw my retainer away at McDonald's and declined on telling my mother that I did so for the SECOND time. (As you can see I was a VERY responsible teenager) I lucked out because she's never asked about the whereabouts of my retainer to this day. But she probably knows I lost it a long time ago. O_o

If it's not the straightness of my teeth or the whiteness of them that makes people comment then the only thing left could be the joy in my smile. When I'm happy, I'm happy. And sometimes I can feel the happiness oozing out of my smile. And, as my mother would say, I have a superwoman complex. Everyone, everywhere should be having a good day and if not I see as my job to make it happen. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, I crack a joke or encourage you until you smile. Smiling is usually the precursor to laughing and if I can get you close to that then you might start feeling an endorphin drive!! Ha! This blog reminds me of a song my mother sung to me when I became sad as a little girl. I think I'll post it at the bottom.

Anyway, I love smiling. I love how infectious it is. I love the happiness that is connected to it. I love MY smile, which is a part of ME =D

~*~ The Song :) ~*~
So smile, young girl smile
And the whole smiles with you
Smile, young girl smile
Whenever you're skies are blue

No matter if it's sunny or it's rainy
No matter if you're up or down it's easy to
Just smile, young girl smile
Because the whole world smiles with you!!!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1: P.O.A

So the activity part of my P.O.A did not happen...#fail. But there's always tomorrow :)

For the esteem part of my P.O.A, I'm going to talk about the facial hair (as the bad) and my smile (as the good). So every woman's fear is facial hair in places it doesn't belong. (i.e. the chin, the upper lip, etc) For example my roommate freaked out when she found stray hairs on her chin and proclaimed she had a beard. I stood there rubbing my chin wondering what it would be like to ONLY freak out over a few scattered hairs.

What causes the growth of my facial hair? Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I remember learning around age 10 that I had it. And I was heartbroken. Imagine learning at a young age that you probably won't be able to have kids and that your weight gain is due to an incurable ailment. (I had an awesome childhood) I spent most of my early years going to doctors and specialists and my self esteem was shot. I ballooned up to about 250lbs and had a full beard and mustache while the guys my age were struggling to get whiskers.

What made it worse was that the hair was stubborn. We tried a home waxing kit that didn't work well at all. So I had the conversation with my dad that every young man has with their father. I learned how to shave. At first I used my father's shaving gel and aftershave to keep from getting ingrown hairs. Then my mom bought me shaving gel for women and tea tree oil to put on my face after. Even though I could no longer see the hair in the mirror I knew it was there because I could feel the stubble. At that point I threw out the possibility of me getting married. No man wants to shave with his wife in the morning.(sigh)

But while in college I tried waxing again. Most places don't chins and lips and if they did, they all of the sudden didn't because of the amount of hair on my face. But there's a place in NJ called,Hello Gorgeous,that did. My best friend booked the appt. (since she lives there)and encouraged my to give it a try. After years of shaving my facial hair had only become more stubborn and thicker. But I figured, "What the hay? It'll just be another failed attempt." Armed with my razor, shaving gel and lack of faith I headed to NJ for yet another attempt. And surprisingly, they got ALL the hair off my face. I could've cried when I saw my bare chin and subsequently was able to run my hand against it without feeling stubble. Never in a million years did I think I would be privileged to that sensation. And yet I was.

But keeping with my realistic attitude I decided that I should wait on my rejoicing and see how long it lasted. The woman said it should last for two weeks. I didn't think it would make it. And I was right. It only made one week but that one week was awesome. I NEVER let anyone put their hands on my face because if they didn't know I had facial hair before they would know then. The crowning moment happened in the latter half of the following at my church conference. Someone grabbed my chin and kissed my cheek. Of course, from years of having facial hair, I jerked back with terror. He was the last person I wanted knowing that I was a faux man. Mid kiss I realized that there wasn't any hair on my face but of course, just to make sure, I slipped my hand across my chin while holding my breath. No hair.

You may not understand just how much that moment meant to me. But it meant so much. For the first time I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. All I need to do now is find a place in Pittsburgh or D.C. that does a good job with hair removal. I tried a place near campus and the woman gave up. I saluted her on her attempt and went home to shave after.

I can't end this blog without a resolution for my facial hair. I will say this. I need to find out what kind of wax they used and see what places use it near me. Once I've found that out I need to set aside money every month so that I can get it done. Waxing thins out hair, hopefully this rings true for my facial hair. Since this blog is so long I will dedicate tomorrow's blog to my smile. =D

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Assessing the Damage

Long time, no blog. As I said in my previous blog I would have scattered blogs throughout the month. Unfortunately I didn’t blog at all. Things were waaay busier than anticipated but I’m back now.

The past three weeks were spent prepping for (week one), attending (week two), and recouping (week three) from my church convocation. Why did it take a week of prep? Well I had to pack whatever clothes I had that were available and acceptable for a church conference and then drive home to pack all of my “church” clothes. I don’t dress up for church here in Pittsburgh (A jean skirt and a nice shirt do the trick) so all of my church attire was at home in my closet.
At first I was depressed. Weighing 215lbs (which is 15lbs less than last year) I didn’t think that I would be able to fit any of my clothes back home. Last year, I had piece together my work clothes because I couldn’t fit ANY of my suits. So I began to wonder what in the world would I wear! Then I found out that I had to wear black and white the first two nights. Immediately my heart sunk because I knew I didn’t have any black and white that fit me properly. Saddened, I threw stuff in my suitcase and headed home.

Once home, the reality of my broktitude hit me. (yes, I made up a word) I had NO money to buy new anything. To put it in perspective, I was either going to spend my money on clothes or save it so I could eat the next week. Obviously I chose to eat. Looking through my closet FULL of suits that range from a size 14 to an 18 I began to pick out what I thought I could wear. And that left me with two suits.
While trying to hide my disappointment my mother and I took out everything black and white or all white. I looked at the array of suits sprawled across my bed and began to try each suit on as per my mother’s instruction. And you know what? I GOT IN THEM!!!

Shocked, I continued trying on suit after suit and thanked God for every success and smiled through every failed attempt. Apparently 15lbs makes a WORLD of a difference. Enthralled, my mother and I took the suits I could wear, which ended up being enough for the week, and dropped them off at the cleaners. By the end of the week I was packed, excited and armed with my two best friends!

The week of convocation went by expediently slow. (yes, think about it) I was a bit apprehensive once it got underway because every year I eat and eat and eat and come home 5 to 10lbs heavier. With such jam packed days and so little time to spare, my friends (whom I usually see once a year) and I decide to go out to eat almost every night. And when I go out, I EAT. And what’s worse is that sometimes we don’t eat until 2 or 3 in the morning and then we go straight to bed right after. (Talk about begging for extra poundage.)

I didn’t have the time or capacity to care about what I was shoving in my mouth or at what time. All I knew is that I was hungry and the box of apple turnovers in my room was available, as well as the chocolate chip cookies, the apple fritters, the frappuccinos, the boxes of chicken and the honey glazed biscuits. (Church’s chicken is my new guilty pleasure)And to top it all off, my plan to exercise everyday went out the window. After such emotionally and physically draining days all I wanted to do was sleep and if anything other than God cut into my sleep time we would then have a SERIOUS problem. I figured I’d just deal with the consequences once the week was over.

Now my recoup week is usually spent catching up on sleep, putting my body back on a God approved sleep schedule, and assessing the damage of my eating habits coupled with my lack of physicality. Instead, I spent the week more or less maintaining the crazy hours I keep during my convocation week, eating to my heart’s desire and lying in bed from exhaustion. I put off weighing myself until Friday. I couldn’t bear to see the results of my recklessness.

But Friday came. And I weighed myself. And surprisingly…I DIDN’T GAIN A POUND!...nor did I lose. Breathing a sigh of relief, I decided that I would start my weight loss efforts Sunday. (If you haven’t been able to tell by now I am a serious procrastinator) So now it’s Sunday and I’ve maintained the good feeling I’ve had about me that was mentioned in my last blog. I still plan to carry out my P.O.A. but since this blog is so long I’ll start tomorrow ;-)

See ya on the flip!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Am Feeling Me

I haven't said much in a while but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on me. I have pushed myself as of late to take care of myself in small ways. I did my hair yesterday and I am rocking a fro. I LOVE it. I also did my nails and have kept them up for the past 3 or 4 days. Today for church I put on a cute top, a little bit of makeup and threw on some simple but cute jewelry. All of this combined has me feeling good about myself. Yes, I am loving me for the moment.

What is even more empowering is I looked at myself from top to bottom and I didn't cringe! That's a big thing for me because by the time I get to my stomach and upper arms I call it a fail and my confidence for the day is shot. I couldn't button the sleeves of my shirt around my arms but I didn't care. I still looked good. Yes, I said it. I looked good. And I'm proud. Now to keep this train going....

*Side Note...I may be on here sporadically for the next month because I will be SUPER busy but that doesn't mean that my progress will be suspended. I will make an honest attempt to come on here and give an update. And my P.O.A. is still in effect. Hold me accountable!!! Love ya'll!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enough Talk! Time for Some Action

...or at least a plan of action. I have spent that last two weeks or so thinking about this journey of really learning how to love me but I have yet to present a plan. So today I am posting one so I can start moving forward.

Exercise Regiment

I MUST exercise EVERYDAY!!! But I don't mean always leaving the gym not dripping sweat and army crawling after it's over kind of workout. The plan: Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be the hardcore workout days which will include 30mins of INTENSE cardio and another 30min of intense toning. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday will be 15min of cardio and 15 of toning. And Sunday will be my day of rest :)

Esteem Regiment

Everyday I'm going to TRY to pick out one good thing about me that I love and one thing I hate/dislike and wrestle with it. I'm hoping by the end of each blog I'll either no longer dislike that feature or learn not to hate it. I'm doing this so I can learn that my good parts outweigh what I've deemed bad.

Encouragement Regiment

I keep finding random words of wisdom or hear people say things that could be implemented into my life as mantras. Each week I hope to find something to meditate on and present my thoughts on it. I'm in constant need of encouragement/motivation so I'm really going to try and stay on top of this.

I am also going to make myself write about the days in which I don't meet my goals and also keep a partial food journal. Everyday that I eat too much or the wrong thing I will write it down and why I did it. I'm addressing the issue here and hopefully I'll be vulnerable enough so I can push myself forward. So to my TWO followers...please hold me accountable!! I need it. So here's to life!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Choose Me

“I lied I’m not out of this relationship. I’m in. So in it’s humilitating because here I am begging. Ok here it is. Your choice, it’s simple. Her or me. And I’m sure she’s really great. But Derek I love you. In a really really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.”

After finishing my blog last night the last line of this monologue popped into my head. Any hardcore Grey’s fan knows who said this line (Meridith) and under what circumstances (Derek was deciding between Addison, his wife, and Meridith, the love of his life)it was said. But for some reason my mind was applying it to my “inner” me and I wondered if the “inner” me has been saying this for years. Although it would go more like this…

“I’ve never been out of this relationship. I’ve always been in. So in it’s humiliating because I have been begging you for so long. But your choice is simple Jasmin. That carton of ice cream or me. That boy who doesn’t know your worth or me. I’m sure that ice cream is good and you will have blissful moments with that boy but Jasmin I love you. In a really really big tell you to stop while you engulf your feelings in pastries, quietly tell you to walk away when guys treat you like crap, never leave you no matter what masochistic way that makes me loathe you, love you. So please, pick me, choose me, love me. ”

The reality of this stung a bit for me and had to wonder: Has there been a part of me yearning for my own love?? No matter the answer, everyday, I MUST choose me. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


So I haven't blogged in over a month and I have a good reason! I had way too much to blog about. But now I have a focus! And that's me :)

About two weeks ago my roommate and I were sitting in her room reading magazines and yapping about life and past relationships when I asked the question "Why do I get ALL the crazies??" Her response: "Because you don't think you can do better." As much as it hurt to hear it...It's true. Although I know I'm smart, that I have a pretty face, and a great personality I have crappy self worth. I think, because the rest of my body isn't in shape, that I have to settle for whatever whack job guy comes my way.

Sitting there reading about another woman's account of losing weight in Self magazine I also took the time to contemplate on how my negative outlook of self spilled over into other aspects of my life as well as the different things that fed into. For the first time in my ten year battle of liking myself I was honest. I was honest about the ways in which I discredit myself. (i.e. When I'm out with friends I always call them the prettier girls or call myself the stereotypical ugly best friend) I also had to dig deep to keep saying that I am pretty...somewhere in this 215lb voluptuous body. It indeed is a struggle.

A week ago I was a hostess at a friends wedding and I sort of felt a little out of place. No boyfriend and a less than par body. All the girls (bridesmaids, hostesses, singers, etc) had beautiful bodies with shapes and confidence to match....and then there was me. That is until I put my dress and make up on and saw my face. I might not have felt confident in the dress but my face sure did look good!! Heck, you could've put my face on a magazine cover that day. I looked good from the neck up. I felt confident and I figured "what the hay!" as long as I only showed my face in the pictures it wouldn't be a total fail.

But then I wondered...does my journey to really loving myself start with loving the current me OR hating the way I look now and then loving myself when I get to my dream body?? After much thought I came to what will probably be the hardest part of this journey and that is...I have to learn how to love the current me, especially if I'm ever going to be able to love the healthy me. If I don't learn now then when I have successfully reached my target weight, implemented important and healthy life choices and have an even skin tone I will STILL find something wrong with me and thus never really love myself...ever!

So, for the next year at least, I'll be blogging about my journey to becoming a healthier, more loving me. Notice I said healthy...NOT SKINNY! I just want to be healthy and happy and that starts TODAY!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Thou Shalt Not Lie"...except?

So after watching the most nerve-racking Grey's Anatomy ever I am left emotional drained and wondering...Is it ever o.k. to lie and if so, when? For those of you who haven't watched the season finale this may be a bit of a **spoiler**.

With a crazed gun man running through the hospital, Dr. Shepard decides to put the hospital on lock-down, confining everyone in the hospital to the floors that they're on. Of course, the gun man isn't stopped by this and is running through the hospital shooting people left and right. He makes it to the floor that Miranda and Percy are on and despite the fact that they have hidden, he pulls them out of their hiding spots and asks them a simple question; "Are you a surgeon?" Percy, whom he asked first, replied honestly and then was shot. When he asked Miranda she lied and said that she was a nurse. The gunman then apologized for the bloody mess and then walked away. Percy died by the end of the show while Miranda cradled his head telling him that he was brave and calling herself a coward for lying.

In my opinion, this white lie isn't bad. Now don't get it twisted, I don't condone lying! But in a situation similar to this, one can't help but wonder about that commandment..."thou shalt not lie." When God sent Moses down with those tablets did he have exceptions to the rule? Does he make allowances for moments like these?? I wonder? I grew up with the notion that if you sinned you didn't make it to Heaven. So, if she lied and then he shot her point blank in the head after, would God turn her away??? This is something I'm trying to wrap my head around but I'm too exhausted to think. This blog could be soo much longer but I'll stop here. Tell me your thoughts...