Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Thou Shalt Not Lie"...except?

So after watching the most nerve-racking Grey's Anatomy ever I am left emotional drained and wondering...Is it ever o.k. to lie and if so, when? For those of you who haven't watched the season finale this may be a bit of a **spoiler**.

With a crazed gun man running through the hospital, Dr. Shepard decides to put the hospital on lock-down, confining everyone in the hospital to the floors that they're on. Of course, the gun man isn't stopped by this and is running through the hospital shooting people left and right. He makes it to the floor that Miranda and Percy are on and despite the fact that they have hidden, he pulls them out of their hiding spots and asks them a simple question; "Are you a surgeon?" Percy, whom he asked first, replied honestly and then was shot. When he asked Miranda she lied and said that she was a nurse. The gunman then apologized for the bloody mess and then walked away. Percy died by the end of the show while Miranda cradled his head telling him that he was brave and calling herself a coward for lying.

In my opinion, this white lie isn't bad. Now don't get it twisted, I don't condone lying! But in a situation similar to this, one can't help but wonder about that commandment..."thou shalt not lie." When God sent Moses down with those tablets did he have exceptions to the rule? Does he make allowances for moments like these?? I wonder? I grew up with the notion that if you sinned you didn't make it to Heaven. So, if she lied and then he shot her point blank in the head after, would God turn her away??? This is something I'm trying to wrap my head around but I'm too exhausted to think. This blog could be soo much longer but I'll stop here. Tell me your thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. Just to comment if she was a believer she would still be saved because our salvation is in no way on the basis of our actions but on Christ's finished work alone. A passage that points to this is Romans 4:4-5 where it shows us that our righteousness is a gift. This is due to all of us being ungodly and our good deeds are as filthy rags in the sight of God Isaiah 64:6. So we have nothing the pay God with that He will accept and no way to put God in our debt. But God in His love declares us righteous completely on the basis of Jesus' work alone. So when God see's us He see's believer's as having the righteousness that Jesus had while Christ has already been punished for our sins if we trust in Him.
